Note: The links to the Eastern Division website have been deleted. The Division is revamping the tent request system. Please visit the Eastern Division website directly for status.
The EASTERN DIVISION SAFETY COMMITTEE manages five (5) NSP/ED branded tents – one for each of our five (5) zones.
These tents promote NSP/ED sanctioned events with consistent branding throughout the division.
The tents are commercial grade, self-standing pop-up tents with NSP and ED logos. They were purchased new in 2019. They are designed to be staked to the ground outdoors or guy-wired with weight on a flat snow or platform surface. Please be aware that during windy conditions, the tents must be firmly anchored.
Please consult the Tent Shipping Policy and Checklist and How to Safely Setup the Tent instructions below for details.
If your NSP ED Region or Patrol wants to request a tent, please click the Request a Tent button found on The Eastern Division website found: HERE or click on the photo below.