Yeah, we get it. The chances of an avalanche occurring in New Jersey are slim….at best. In fact most of our ski areas pray for snow! BUT, there are locations in the Eastern Division that ARE susceptible to avalanches, and this course will greatly add to your patrol skills. If you are interested in how snow “works”, this course is for you!

Level 1 Avalanche Module 1 is offered in the New Jersey Region. We have also offered other programs like Avalanche Awareness or refreshers by request.
The Eastern Division runs three full Level 1 courses each season and usually a separate Module 2 and 3 course. The info for those courses are listed on the Eastern Division Calendar and on the Patroller School website.
Level 1 Avalanche Module 1 (L1AM1) provides the classroom component of a Level 1 avalanche course. It introduces fundamental concepts and principles of avalanche hazard, safety, and rescue, but it does not include skill development in the field. It does not meet full Level 1 course standards and does not qualify as a prerequisite for enrollment in a Level 2 avalanche course. Normally the Division runs a Module 2 & 3 course to allow students to complete a full Level 1. This way, Module 1 can be done locally and students will only have to travel to complete Module 2 and 3. Modules 2 and 3 require fieldwork work in avalanche terrain.
While Module 1 does not require field work, we are usually able to spend some time using equipment or looking at the snowpack if NJ winter allows.
Please contact Matt Karpinecz with any questions on NJ Region or Eastern Division avalanche courses.